Maryland General Music
Teachers Association (MGMTA)
Maryland General Music Teachers Association (MGMTA)
Gabriel Gray, PRESIDENT
Listen to the MGMTA Podcast!
Step by Step with some Skips Along the Way by Gabe Gray & Jess Windsor
Step by Step is a creative take on providing general music teachers with tips, techniques, and all around humor for making their classrooms engaging, fun, relevant, and inclusive for all learners.
Also on Apple and Spotify Podcasts!
Welcome to MMEA and MGMTA - we are here for you! It is a true gift and unique experience to introduce young students to the world of music and then watch them grow as musicians. Whether you are a veteran, novice, or future music educator, MGMTA can help equip you with the resources and support needed to be a successful music educator. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, ideas or suggestions for MGMTA. I look forward to serving as the President of MGMTA.
It is my goal to assist in providing relevant, meaningful and applicable professional development
for general music teachers of Maryland.
Would you like to get involved? If you are already a member of MMEA/MGMTA and would like to become more involved, you can volunteer as a Presider at one of the upcoming conferences. Responsibilities include introducing and assisting the presenter by reading short biographical information, circulating handouts, and monitoring the room. Being a Presider is a great way to grow professionally, begin to take a leadership role, and become more involved with MMEA.
Please email if you have questions or are interested in presiding for an upcoming conference.
Email us: ggray.mmea@gmail.com
Or connect with MGMTA on Facebook and Twitter!
President: Gabriel Gray- Charles County
President-Elect: Jessica (Jess) Windsor- Dorchester County
Immediate Past President: Dr. Ashleigh Cicconni
Member at Large: Madelyn Hinshaw - St. Mary's County
Member at Large: Nathan Turley - Dorchester County
Member at Large: Dylan Williams - Dorchester County
Member at Large: Sarah Hetzler - Montgomery County
Member at Large: Sherry Mervine - Charles​ County​​​