Solo & Ensemble Festivals
Welcome to the Solo and Ensemble Page!
The Maryland Music Educators’ Association is proud to offer opportunities for students to participate in festivals that feature the performance of solo and ensemble vocal and instrumental literature. There are two different and diverse festivals, one in the fall and one in the spring. Both festivals allow students to showcase their talents, alone and in groups, and encourage them to develop their craft in collaboration with other musicians and teachers.
We look forward to all students participation in these festivals!
Fall All-Access Virtual Solo & Ensemble - Paused for 2024
MMEA has made the decision to pause this festival due to decrease in involvement as well as an increase in additional MMEA operations. MMEA will seek to reevaluate this festival for the future.
State Solo & Ensemble Festival
Saturday, May 10, 2025 - MODA (Orchestra)
Saturday, May 17, 2025 - MBDA (Band) and MCEA (Vocal)