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The State Solo & Ensemble Festival is open to all Maryland public and private school music students in grades 6-12 who have earned a Superior (I) rating on a solo or ensemble performance of a music grade 2 or higher at the Maryland District Solo & Ensemble Festival. Students must perform music from the MMEA approved repertoire lists.


Qualifying Solos & Ensembles must have participated in one of the following district/county events:


District 1 – Prince George’s County

District 2 – Montgomery County

District 3 – Anne Arundel County

District 4 – St. Mary’s County

District 5 – Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester Counties

District 6 – Harford County

District 7 – Baltimore County

District 8 – Carroll County

District 9 – Allegany and Garrett Counties

District 10 – Baltimore City

District 11 – Charles County

District 12 – Calvert County

District 13 – Howard County

District 14 – Frederick County

District 15 – Washington County

District 16 – Cecil County


The Goals of the Festival are to:


  • Provide an opportunity for wind, percussion, vocal, and string students to perform musical literature for evaluation alone and in groups.

  • Provide an opportunity for students to select and prepare solo and ensemble literature for performance.

  • Encourage students to perform solo literature.

  • Provide a formative tool so students can self-evaluate and receive quality feedback about their technique and performance.


Component Policy & Procedure Reference 


MMEA is following the most recent set of Policy and Procedures for MBDA, MCEA, and MODA, linked below. Please reference the following Policy & Procedures.


Note - for registration processes and financial matters, please reference the information on this page and not the information in the Policy & Procedures linked below. In addition there are some updated policies in relation to district events and the approach to accompaniment.


Maryland Band Directors Association


Maryland Choral Educators Association


Maryland Orchestra Directors Association



Dates & Locations

The 2025 State Solo & Ensemble Festival will be held in-person only. There will be no live-virtual or recorded submission options.


Saturday, May 10, 2025

  • MODA - Strings Solo & Ensemble, The Clarice Smith Center for the Performing Arts, University of Maryland, College Park


Saturday, May 17, 2025

  • MBDA - Band Solo & Ensemble, Center for the Arts, Towson University, Towson

  • MCEA - Vocal Solo & Ensemble, Calvert Hall College High School, Towson


Please note: Individual performance times will be released with the schedules. Caregivers will be able to request a time slot during the registration process. Scheduling requests are not guaranteed, however MMEA will work to accommodate as best as possible. 


Students performing in more than one solo or ensemble should be sure to coordinate with their fellow performers and accompanists to make sure all of them request the same time.



​​Festival Application Timeline

State Solo & Ensemble Registration Window  (Caregivers)
Wednesday, March 19 to Wednesday, April 2 at 12 pm (noon)


Schedules Published to the Public/Participants
Thursday, April 17, 2025


Festival Dates (see locations above)

May 10 - MODA - Strings Solo & Ensemble 

May 17 - MBDA - Band Solo & Ensemble & MCEA - Vocal Solo & Ensemble





The eligibility rules for this festival are as follows:


  • To participate in the Maryland State Solo and Ensemble Festival, a student must attend a public, parochial, or independent (private) school in Maryland. Students must be enrolled in a band/chorus/orchestra class in their secondary school in the appropriate grade to participate in statewide activities. If a high school uses an alternative scheduling model, students can participate in the years in which they receive full credit for ensemble classes. Students who do not participate in their school ensemble class are not eligible.

  • Instrumental and vocal students in grades 6-12 who have earned a Superior (I) rating at a 2024-2025 Maryland District Solo and Ensemble Festival may apply for the State Solo and Ensemble Festival on music grades 2 through 6.

  • The performer(s) who qualify at the district level must be the same persons who perform at the state level.

  • One student cannot perform in more than three (3) events.

  • Music educator membership in MMEA/NAfME is not required but encouraged.




  • All music performed must be listed in the MMEA approved lists for Instrumental or Vocal. On the registration form, list the ID number (column A), title of the piece, and composer/arranger exactly as it appears on the MMEA Repertoire Lists.

  • Performers must present a selection at the same grade level with which they qualified at the district level. 

  • Compositions may not be more than 10 minutes in length. If a composition is over 10 minutes in length, the adjudicator will determine the length of music to be played.



Music Copyright Rules

MMEA operates in compliance with the US Copyright Act. A complete measure-numbered score for each ensemble or a measure-numbered original of the solo for each soloist must be provided for the adjudicator. Failure to provide this music may result in a penalty of one rating lower. Anyone using a photocopy of the music that is not in Public Domain will receive a lowered grade unless accompanied by written verification of permission from the publisher. Music purchased online as digital copies should clearly indicate ownership/performance permission.




Students and ensembles must provide their own accompanist. Music with published accompaniments must be included in the performance. Accompanists’ names must be provided in the registration form so that the schedule can be efficient for them.


For the 2025 MMEA State Solo & Ensemble Festival, the MMEA Committee will follow the Policies and Procedures set forth by the MBDA, MCEA, and MODA Handbooks. In addition, in reference to the policies for accompaniment,  students will be allowed to qualify for the State Festival according to the policy set forth by their district festival. (Live Accompaniment vs Recorded Accompaniment) 


If the district allowed recorded accompaniment - please reference this document for directions. 


In summer of 2025, MMEA Board and leadership will reevaluate the Solo & Ensemble policies and announce any changes for the 2025-2026 school year. 



Scales and Sightreading

Sight-reading will not be required at the State Solo and Ensemble Festival.


Scale Requirements for Band & Orchestra (Solo Only) 


  • Band Scale Performance Requirements for Solo Events: All entrants except snare drum and timpani will be asked to perform the chromatic scale and one major scale appropriate for their instruments and grade level of solo performance. Scales will be selected from the following major keys: C, F, G, D, A, E, B flat, E flat, A flat. Scales are to be played evenly and smoothly in a 16th note pattern at a metronome speed of a quarter note = 72. All scales are to be played ascending and descending a minimum of one octave. Flutes and soprano clarinets will perform the scales a minimum of two octaves.

  • Orchestra Scale Performance Requirements for Solo Events: All entrants will be asked to perform the chromatic scale and one major scale on one (1) or two (2) octaves appropriate for the grade level of the solo performance. Major scales will be selected from the following keys: C, G, D, A, F, B Flat, and E Flat. Scales are to be played evenly and smoothly in a 16th note pattern at the metronome speed of a quarter note = 72. All scales are to be played ascending and descending.




Performances will be judged by MMEA qualified adjudicators. Click here for the rubric



Certificates and Comment Sheets

Certificates and comment/score sheets will be provided to the performers.




Medals will be available for purchase at the event after the students receive their results. Medals for Superior (I) and Excellent (II) ratings can be purchased for $15. Students will show their comment/score sheet to purchase the appropriate medal. 



Registration Fee

$20 for all Solos 


$30 for all Ensembles (2 or more musicians)


​All transactions are final and non-refundable. We are unable to offer flexible pricing for the State Solo & Ensemble. 


Educators wishing to pay for their students to participate. MMEA will provide a check-out code that will be sent to Supervisors/Coordinators. Private Schools please email to request the code prior to student registering.  Invoices will be generated after April 2. 


Late Fee Policy - Invoices not paid within 60 days will be assessed a late fee. Invoice totals of $100 or less will be assessed a late fee of $20. Invoices over $100 will be assessed a 20% late fee, not to exceed $500.



​​Questions and Communication

​To help facilitate this process, caregivers or students may need to communicate with MMEA staff for questions and support. We ask that the student’s music educator be copied on all messages to MMEA to assure transparency and accurate communication. MMEA staff will extend the same courtesy if staff needs to communicate with caregivers.


Please contact MMEA Staff at with questions. 


MMEA Accessibility Request Form (Optional - must be completed by 5 days prior to the event) 


MMEA remains committed to advancing diversity and inclusion throughout music education to foster a welcoming and inclusive organization. Integrating the various learning needs and accommodations for students with a disability, IEP, or 504 is of the utmost importance. We continue to develop and implement operational policies and procedures for MMEA programs, products and services.


All requests are addressed on a case-by-case basis, and documentation must be provided. Please complete and submit this form to request accommodations.


MdMEA Submission Manager - MMEA Accommodation Request Form



Registration Forms for Caregivers






The registration form will open on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. 

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